Monday, May 4, 2009


MAY 04...

Hmm... As you all know i've been approved to leave camp early to continue my studies... At first, this was really my hope to get out of the camp ASAP... I've been going into the office almost everyday to ask about my status until the head remember all my info... HAHA... I've been crying for the first week... (shh) Aiyo... Many guys in my camp also same lah... LOL... After the first week crying is no more but still thinking of going home... Starting to have fun when PK (pembinaan karekter) class started... My class PK2...!!! Love them the most... Where i get to know some sabah girls... ( Jolyn, Ida, Nina...) Can't really remember all the names... HAHA... Well... The picture will be posted below... HAHA...Kinda cute... PK class had been divided into 2 module... Each module lasted for 9 days... So total will be 18 days for PK class... First module called SAYA... Which means tought us how to present ourself well... Second module will be KITA... Which tought us how to mix well with others... Hmm... When the last day of module 1 we have a small sketch in class for closing... Its was a really wonderful time for me cause can cooperate with them... After module 2 we had an final closing performance where we compete our performance with the other class... There are total of 6PK classes in my camp... So far i think my PK class performance was the best cause we made the whole camp ROLF... HAHA... I was a sad day cause I have to seperate with them... After that we have another programme called PI ( program integrasi )... This programme is for us to learn about other religion, culture and tradition... To also make us live peacefully with one another... This programme lasted for 5 days so i dont really know all of them in my class... At the final day as usual we have performance for each class... After PI... We have another programme called KENEGARAAN & KHIDMAT KOMUNITI... Where we learn about patriotic stuff and every WED & SAT we get to go some place for KHIDMAT KOMUNITI... Throughout this programme, i've visited Sandakan Public Library and some dunno what politechnic school... So when the last few days before I back to KL I start to have those feeling continue staying in camp... But its too late... At first those senior told me that i'll had that feeling but i thought its all bullshit cause i couldn't feel it at first... When the last day arrived... Those feeling started to get worst, i deeply miss them who live in Sabah... I really dunno when can we meet again... Those Sabah people really treat me as a very close friend... Now wanted to cry out but then i'm too busy for other stuff... Those feeling really suffer when hanging around in me... They all promised me that they look for me when reached KL... Hmm... I think thats all my feeling about my life in NS... Will add some others when i figure out some other things...

P/S : I've promised to myself that if I have enough time and money... I'll fly to Sabah for sure... Will make this promised come true ASAP...

While waiting for our flight to depart from KLIA...

Sandakan Airport...

Puuh Jih Shih... Highest temple build in South East Asia... We went there every SUN... HEHE...

The view from the temple...

The little town there know as Tanah Merah... A chinese territory... Wahahha...

Some old buildings...

What is this sign stands for..??

A wet market @ Tanah Merah...

Such a beautiful sea view from temple...

In order to to have this view.... You have to climb hundered over steps to this temple...

A burned Mitsubishi Triton while on the way to temple...

The main entrance of the temple...

This is what we eat every SUN... Considered the most delicious meal we had in PLKN... HAHA...

This is how my dorm looks like...

Commander in my camp... KD SRI SANDAKAN... A Navy... HAHA... Caught him playing golf most of the time cause our camp near to a Golf Course... HAHA...

Our Jurulatih in " Senang Diri " position... On the opening day of my camp...

Kumpulan " Regime "... A.k.a Charlie... Yellow...

Kumpulan " Perkasa " A.k.a Delta... Green...

Kumpulan " Setia "... A.k.a Alpha... Red...

Kumpulan " Waja "... A.k.a. Bravo... Blue... MY TEAM...!!!

Wirawati from Kumpulan Regime...

Waiting for instruction...

Waiting for our turn to perform...

Looking serious... HAHA...

Some drug addicts fainted... WAHAHAHHA...

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